Complete evaluation forms and post goodbye message to the wiki sites. Official closing of the Learning Circles by the goodbye message of facilitator.Students and Teachers Survey
Goodbye Message Facilitator Laurenske Hofman
Dear participants,
Thank you for working together in this Learning Circle "United Beyond our Diversity". It was great to meet you all and to see all your work in the circle. I hope to see you again in another circle!
Bye Laurenske
Goodbye Messages LC 1: The Bishop Strachan School, Canada:
Sorry for being late, as we were engaged in a new project in our class that we lost sight of the deadline.
THANK YOU to all our partner schools for sharing your ideas, your photos, and all the great things about where you live.
Maybe we will meet again in a new learning circle in the future!
Four pillars for Education in the 21st century (proposed by UNESCO)
Learn to know, learn to do, learn to live together and learn to be.
Goodbye message from Teacher: Doris Wu
Thanks for all the contribution from our partners. My students have learned so much and also open a new window on the living world! We look forward to working with you in the future!
Reflections from Students:
1. Team Leader --Gene Kuo (250-400 words)
A. Things I have learned from my question
In the project, I learn a lot about cultures not only in other countries but also in Taiwan. And the most important is I improve my ability of doing teamwork which is a extremely important thing to have in the 21st century. We discussed together, helped each other to make a better decision, conclusion.
B. Difficulties I have encountered
The difficulties I have encountered is how to allocate my time. High school life in Taiwan is very busy, we got lot of test, homework to do. So I have to make the best use of my time every day.
C. Positive Learning strategies I have learned
D. Feedback to your partner
2. Team member- Verita Fang
A. Things I have learned from my question
From my question, I found that actually most people have similar idea with us. Everyone should expect others' religion and political.
B. Difficulties I have encountered
The difficulty I have was that there wasn't enough time for me to find information from the internet or teachers. In addition, finding a video was also a big problem for me.
C. Positive Learning stragties I have learned
D. Feedback to your partner
3. Team member --Karen Guh
Two months has gone so fast!! By doing the project these two months, I have gotten so many new experiences and leaned so many new things. Of course, I also found out some difficulties when doing the project. The following are the treasures I have gotten:
The way my team divide up our work is: everyone is responsible for one question. I answer the first question in charge. At first, I completely couldn’t understand the meanings of it or even what the people who asked the question want from us. But after discussing with my teammates and teacher, I finally get some ideas about it~ “Discussing with others” is the first skill I learned from doing this work. Then, when I started to search for some information, I learned how to decide if using the information or not. I think it’s really important to judge whether the information is useful. When it finally came to the part that starting to write the essay, I found that it was really difficult to express something exactly what I mean through a language that isn’t my mother language. But after working for hours, things finally went more smoothly than before~ this was the biggest difficulty I’ve encountered.
Now, after experiencing so many things, I’ve gotten to learn new ideas from other countries and, also, found out my drawbacks and the solutions to them. The project opened my eyes to the world and also gave me the chance to realize how important “diversity” is in the 21th century. Though it’s the end of the project, I believe that it won’t be the last time we work together. J I am really impressed by everyone’s amazing questions and answers~ Thank you very much!!! It is my pleasure to get to know more people, different cultures, and thinking from everyone. Looking forward to cooperate with everyone again : )
4. Team member -- Lynn Liang
5. Team member -- Steven Yang
A. Things I have learned from my question
Culture varies from places to places, it's no doubt that people seldom get the chance to try to transform some of the wrong stereotypes into the correct concept. During the time I was finding the answers of my question, I asked many people, including my American English teacher, for their opinion of what is the variety between foreign countries and Taiwan. Everyone had their own thinking which didn't repeat. I realized even people who live in the same place can have their own definition of their common culture.
B. Difficulties I have encountered
Though I've travel to some foreign countries, it's still such a difficult thing for me to take part in others cultural in a short time, which means it's a difficult task for me to think about which parts of our cultural are unfamiliar to our partners. It's took me a long time to discuss about which topic I 'm going to write with my teammates. After we had the consensus, more and more difficulties appeared because I had no idea of how to describe the varieties in an easy way for others to understand me.
C. Positive Learning strategies I have learned
D. Feedback to your partner
It's a special experience to a professional research with others in my same age, the projects I used to do before were mostly made by myself. Not only trying to cooperate with others but also learning the way how they improve the problems they faced. I found out there are many different thinking patterns, and each of them can be my ability in the future.
6. Team member -- Harry Chuang
A. Things I have learned from my question
To come up with a question, our team had spent on plenty of time discussing of a perfect question. during the discussion, I've learned to express my ideas and make myself understood. I used to be silent during team discussion, but now I know that mine opinion is necessary as well.
B. Difficulties I have encountered
In order to answer questions, we need to collect information. But not all the answer can be found on the Net, we then went to our teachers and classmates. I asked my tutor, friends, parents but most of them gave me imperfect replies, so it took me a lot effort to comprehend and produce a suitable answer to the question.
C. Positive Learning strategies I have learned
Educational technology is getting better and better. All the people are thinking of future classroom with Hi-tech equipment and all the schools are in pursuit of electronicizing.
But we missed that the whatness of learning is enthusiasm. No matter how much information or technology you gave to a student with no enthusiasm, he or she will never use it on learning. Therefore, I realize that the best and positive strategy to learning is to sustain my own enthusiasm of leaning a new thing.
D. Feedback to your partner
It's fortunate for me to have such a capable partner. He not only helped me get used to this project but also inspired me to a new method of solving problems. I would like to thank you to you here.
It was so good to find out that , in fact, we are not so different. We sow more things that we have in common as humans and it is also nice to have different things in our this we will never get bored!
We found out so many things with your help!
We are happy to met you and we hope some of our thoughts will stay with us forever.
All the best for the new year coming!
Goodbye Messages LC 4: National College "B.P.Hasdeu"Name of school, Romania:
Dear friends,
Unfortunately our collaboration ends here. We enjoyed sharing with you our ideas. Also,we've had a good time in finding interesting things about diversity in your countries and cultures and we really liked your pictures and videos. We are looking forward to finding new information about you in the next Global Teenager Project.
Best wishes,
Your new friends from National College "B.P.Hasdeu, Romania :).
Thank you for the great time which we have spent during this learning circle. It was a pleasure to learn new, and to share some information with you, about diversity. Thanks a lot. It was really сognitive to be part of this LC.
We are looking forward to patricipation in the next LC and hope to see you againg in GTP, to share our opinions and to discover new from you.
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